Saturday, December 15, 2012

When I was a kid…

I used to hate the stories our parents would tell us that started with “When I was your age, …”  It was always a bit of truth sprinkled with lots of stretching that truth.  You know, “Hiked to school 4 miles, uphill both ways, in snow…”.  We all rolled our eyes and thought, “Oh no, here goes our elders again!”

Now I am an “elder”.  The world of today is much different (and, regrettably, more dangerous) than I remember.  One day, I’m going to have that conversation with Joshua, and my story of “When I was your age” is going to be different.  Here’s what it is going to sound like:

“When I was your age, Joshua, I could walk anywhere in daylight with an adult and not have to worry about being harmed.  Murdering kids was just something that some guys named Wayne Williams did in Atlanta (full disclosure:  he only was convicted of 2 of the 27 murders).  Schools were safe places, and I went to a public school.  We could’ve come and gone as we pleased, but we always stayed within the school confines.  Our parents didn’t need to pass security points to come and visit us.  Although drugs were in schools, even at the Middle School level, we didn’t need metal detectors in Elementary, Middle, or High School because so few people brought guns or knives.  Our weapons were our fists, but they were only used in situations of last resort (I think I only recalled seeing 2 fights in my four years of High School, and one of those was a cat fight).  We could pray before football games, and we even had our HS Graduation inside a church.

When I was your age, Joshua, we could play in the neighborhood without fear of being abused by neighbors.  We talked with our neighbors, and everyone knew who you were.  Our playtime was consisting of outside time.  We could swim in neighbor’s pools, ride our bikes, and just be kids.  Heck, I was able to learn to shoot bibi guns without fear of being hurt.

When I was your age, Joshua, we could walk up to an airport gate without a ticket.  We could watch Grandma’s plane come up to gate and hug her as soon as she walked up the gate ramp.

Finally, when I was your age, Joshua, there was little worry about being safe, because we always were responsible enough to be safe when necessary, but people cared enough to protect kids.  It’s a shame you will not be able to grow up in a world like that.”

And you wonder why I get emotional over the events of our day…

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