Sunday, May 9, 2010

Memories of Grandma Walker

Last Sunday, my wife and I celebrated the sixth anniversary of our first date. In the six years we have been together, we have been blessed with marriage and a son named Joshua. Yesterday marked another six year anniversary, though it is somewhat more somber. On this day six years ago, I had my last conversation with my Grandma Walker.

Grandma Walker was the only one of my four grandparents that I had any sort of relationship with. This was because of three reasons. First, both of my grandfathers had either died before I was born or passed away when I was a toddler. I didn't have much of a relationship with Grandma Walton. Second, Grandma Walker and I shared the same birthday. I was the youngest of her five grandchildren. Third, while most of my friends spent their summer vacations in Panama City or Myrtle Beach, my family's vacations always ended up in Cincinnati to visit Grandma Walker. Sometimes we would see members of my dad's family up in Dayton.

Anyways, back to my Mother's Day conversation... It's a conversation I remember because I told her about meeting a special women who attended the same church as I did. She seemed really pleased to hear that I had met a young lady. Shortly after the Mother's Day conversation, my grandmother fractured her hip, and a rapid deterioration of health followed. Within two months, my grandmother passed away.

Sometimes, I wonder if my grandmother was waiting on me to find that special someone. I wanted for my grandmother to meet Liz so much. I wanted my grandmother to know everything turned out all right with that special young lady. I have a feeling she would have liked Liz.

I miss you Grandma Walker. Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there.

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