Let’s face it… We all have people or things in life we hate… and sometimes we want to take someone or something down a notch for whatever grievance we have against a particular person or things. Political correctness is the manifestation of this “gotcha” game.
Both Liberal and Conservative People alike love to play this game. Liberals play the game as a means to balance the world and promote fairness, justice, and equality for any reason. In doing so, they also hope to elevate themselves in the subconscious of the masses. At the same time it is a means to destroy people or things whose lifestyles or choices they despise. It could be Paula Deen, Hank Williams Jr., or Phil Robertson. All they have to do is find that weak link in the persona (whether it’s about race, creed, sexual orientation, etc.), twist it just a little bit, and BAM! A career is damaged, a particular diversity group is elevated, and Liberals can feel good about themselves.
But Conservatives also play the “Gotcha” Game and play it just as well. For Conservatives, their motivation is more of the “Expose the Liberal Hypocrites” who promote fairness, equality, and that everyone should love each other—except conservatives, and then they can call them every expletive and vile word in the book. Martin Bashir, Alec Baldwin, and Bill Maher are just some examples of people who Conservatives believe show this double-standard. Taking people down who willing to pass judgment without looking in a mirror themselves provides a certain level of justice in their eyes.
This game will continue because both sides feel that the scales need to be balanced in their favor. Neither side will ever call the gotcha game and the back and forth will continue forever—which is sad because no one really wins in the long run in the gotcha game. Whether it divine providence or just plain “Karma”, those who point the finger will eventually get paid back—in spades. It may not happen immediately, next week, next month, next year, or next decade. But the forces of the Universe always find a way to square the accounts of each and every being—one way or another, whether in this world or the next.
Just remember… while you are verbally chastising a star of “Duck Dynasty”, an msnbc host, or a Government Agency now, one day you will take your turn being the human pinata. And then maybe you’ll understand that old phrase: “When you point a finger at someone, three fingers are always pointing back at you.”
Just something to think about in this season of Hope and Wonder…
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