Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Geek Looks at 40…

By now, you have seen my new FB Cover and Profile Pics.  With the Big 4-0 now just hours away, I thought it would be an appropriate time to pay homage to my past, look at the present, and wonder about the future in pictures…

The Cover Photo honors my past.  A picture was taken from approximately each year of my life, starting from my first year (Age 0) to my 40th (Age 39).  The first 18 years were easy, thanks to my sister, Sheri, putting together a scrapbook as part of my High School Graduation gift.  Because I got my first Digital Camera in 2003, the last 10 years have been easy to catalogue.  And thankfully, my sisters and I were able to fill in any gaps in-between with other pics.

The Profile Pic is my official 40th Birthday Pic.  It’s inspiration was taken from The Fab 4 and the cover of their 1963 album “With the Beatles”.  I knew to pull this off, I needed professional help.  Luckily, there is a Professional Photographer in the family whom I called upon to take the picture (thank you to Angela Zaloudek Photography). 

One interpretation is that it’s my way of saying that I exist in two worlds:  the world I choose to show, and the world I choose not to show.  Rarely do those worlds collide.  But another interpretation that I prefer is that it is my past and future colliding in the present.  Given that life expectancy for men is about or less than 80 at present, it’s probable at least half of my life’s journey is complete.  The part that is showing is my past, while the part that is hidden is my future.  And (hopefully) the future part will slowly reveal itself as time permits. 

Like my Blog Profile suggests:  “You think you know me? You don't know my full story, but maybe by following this blog, the complete picture will come into focus.”  Even I don’t completely know myself today.  The future can change me in ways that are unpredictable.  I hope I can retire, and travel the world someday.  But the future does not guarantee that.  This journey will be exciting and scary, but for now I am content that I will not be alone in my journey.  My wife, my son, my soon-to-be born daughter, my extended family, and my friends will be there as long as they can.  And I believe a Divine Power is also with me.

So while it is time to celebrate the past in the present, it is also time to begin revealing the future.  Time to let the rest of the picture come into focus…