Sunday, September 23, 2012

Time for politics and religion to stop being the only things we discuss in our lives…

There is old saying that at parties you can talk about anything except for two subjects:  politics and religion.  Yet, in this day and age, we can’t stop talking about both.  It’s getting to the point where friendships are breaking up over how people vote more than any other reason.  Don’t believe me?  How many friends have you lost over you saying something political that there was a sharp disagreement?  We’re getting to the point in politics where murder, slavery, civil war, and everything else is getting thrown into political ads-and we’re still 6 weeks away from the election.  And religion is another sore spot that seems to have merged with politics as issues such as Gay marriage, Gambling, and even Sunday liquor sales are taking center stage.  Not even Sports or Restaurants is immune from these issues.  Papa John’s and Chick-Fil-A are being boycotted for their political and religious views.  Team owners are being scrutinized for who they donate to.  It’s now to the point where they are dissecting social media habits as a way to paint you as a political type (I am not making this up!).  We even are doing studies that scientifically prove conservatives and liberals may be caused by genetics.

When you start injecting politics into everyday life, bad things will happen.  We’re at the point where we have almost descended into a Taiwanese assembly fight in this country.  This is not the United States I remember where people would help each other out no matter what their views were.  That nation may exist again one day, but it doesn’t now.

My nightmare scenario is starting to become a reality.  I predict something political will cause a major upheaval within the next decade.  The upheaval will make the 1960s look like a Sunday picnic.  People will die for their views on religion and politics.  You may think I am crazy for saying that, but it is the logical conclusion to what is happening now.

As this country becomes more polarized, I have stepped more into the apolitical realm.  I realize that after the upheaval, we will need people who can rebuild the trust in this country, if there is a country to be saved.  And I intend to support the apolitical path because we will need to find ways for people to come together.

The next several years will either prove me right or wrong.  I don’t mind being wrong.  But don’t tell me I’m stupid for thinking this.  History is more likely to prove me right than wrong, and considering we are not learning from past mistakes, we are on the verge of repeating those mistakes in the future.