I know this is going to sound like a political statement in favor of Republicans or Democrats, but it is not. My goal in this posting of Rogue Corner is to explain why these mid-term elections are more critical than any other mid-term since 1990. At stake is the potential configuration of state legislatures and U.S. Congressional Districts for the next 5 election cycles. In addition, the usual nature of the U.S. Senate configuration will cause major headaches for both parties in the next three cycles.
As many of you know, every 10 years the U.S. is required by laws to take a census of U.S. citizens to determine the population and where funding should go. In addition, the Census data is used in many instances to draw Legislative districts in State houses. But the big key is that as part of the re-drawing of districts, U.S. House of Representatives districts are drawn, and the party that controls the state legislatures in many instances draws the districts in their party’s favor. This is important in states which add or lose Representatives. Districts could be drawn to force two congressman from the same party to battle for one spot. Or new or existing districts could be gerrymandered to guarantee the congress people favors one party. Don’t believe me? Check out Maryland’s congressional map, particularly the 2nd and 3rd districts.
There is also Senate ramifications that could spell big trouble for the Democrats in 2012 and 2014 and a huge problem for the Republicans in 2016. If the Republicans win 8 Senate seats from Democrat control in this cycle (and not NY and WV), the Democrats and their allies will be forced to defend 43 seats in the next 2 elections, compared with a mere 23 for Republicans. But that also means the Republicans will be forced to defend 26 seats in a Presidential election in 2016, compared with just 8 Democrat seats. Like I said, it’s headaches for both sides.
What I’m trying to say is no matter your political affiliation, please remember to vote, whether you have already early voted or will vote on Tuesday. I have no compassion for those who complain about the elections, but refuse to exercise their Constitutional right to vote.